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Text File | 1994-05-10 | 12.9 KB | 325 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- Commodore 64 Emulator Version 0.4 Documentation
- (C) 1993-4 Earle F. Philhower III (st916w9r@dunx1.ocs.drexel.edu)
- (Also glance over the version 0.3, 0.2, 0.1 readmes for more information)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Table Of Contents
- 1) What's New In This Release?
- 2) Quick-Start Guide
- a) Keyboard
- b) Disk Images
- c) Tape Images
- d) RAM Images
- e) Preferences
- 3) Frequently Asked Questions
- 4) How Can I Help?
- 5) Credits and Eulogy :<
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- General:
- Faster Integrated C 6510 processor
- (about 5% faster than 68k coded)
- Power PC native version (same source as 68k)
- Included undocumented opcodes
- Cleaner source code in some files
- There's some kind of documentation!
- Video:
- Multicolor Mode support
- B/W sprite handling has been fixed
- Double sized display
- Interface:
- Dragging one VIC window drags both
- About box centered
- Should switch cursor better
- Loading a RAM image updates display
- Bugs:
- The color VIC window sometimes goes off into the upper-left hand corner
- of the screen and crashed the C64. I haven't a clue as to why, as the BW
- version doesn't exhibit this behavior.
- There have been some problems with some international setups and EC040 Macs
- (the drain bramaged variety Apple sells in the Performa line) I don't have
- any way of testing where the program is dying, since Drexel doesn't have
- those.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. First figure out which executable you need to run: If you have a PPC Mac
- use "Commodore 64 PPC", otherwise use "Commodore 64"
- [PPC owners can also use the "Commodore 64" execuatble, only it will run
- much, much, much, slower]
- 2. Once you've got it running you're sitting at a virtual C=64! That simple!
- Device #8 is the virtual 1541 drive. Device #9 is an interface into the Mac
- filesystem (not fully complete, but you can load and save files to the
- directory where Mac64 executable resides). Device #4 is a printer whose output
- goes into a file called "PRINTER" in the startup directory (Not fully done
- either).
- 3. To toggle between "Running" and "Suspended" modes on the C64 window, just
- click in the window. When you're running the cursor is normally a C=, and
- when you're suspended it is normally a standard arrow.
- --
- Keyboard
- They keyboard mappings are very simple. All letters and numbers are done
- as you would expect. However the FUNCTION keys are accessed via an
- Option-# press. (I.e. F-7 = Option-7)
- Cursor keys work (you DON'T need to SHIFT-UP to go down...)
- Some of the Control keys are implemented via CTRL-x. If it doesn't work
- for you then I've not added that key!
- DELETE = C64 delete
- When in emulation mode, COMMAND-<key> is in effect, and you can bring up
- menus w/o stopping the emulation.
- --
- Disk Images
- In order to access a D64 disk image (which is nothing more than a raw sector
- dump of a Commodore 1541 format floppy disk) you can either:
- a. Select "Attach Floppy Image..." from the "Devices" menu to "insert"
- a pre-made diskette into the virtual 1541 (device #8)
- b. Double-Click on a D64 image (if it has the proper icon (5.25" disk))
- to insert it...
- c. Select "Create Floppy Image..." from the "Devices" menu to "format"
- a new diskette. You'll have to select a *Macintosh* file name to
- create. It'll automatically "insert" the disk for you.
- --
- Tape Images
- A lot of single file games are being distributed in T64 format. To load
- a T64(tape image) file into the emulator, you can either:
- a. Select "Load Tape File..." from the "Devices" menu. Select the
- tape and it will be loaded into C= memory. You *MUST* type "RUN"
- in the C64 window to start the program, once it's loaded.
- b. Double click on the icon of a T64 image (It should look just like
- an audio cassette) to load it. Again, you must "RUN" it to make
- it go.
- There is no way currently to make T64 images from the emulator.
- --
- RAM Images
- A RAM image is a complete saved state of the Commodore 64 window. If you
- know what a "freeze" cartridge is, you get the idea. Basically the entire
- machine (RAM, processor) are stored in a file which can be later accessed.
- So you can load up Zork (assuming it works...:[) go on for an hour, save
- a RAM image. Later you can resume the game by loading the RAM image.
- To save a RAM image:
- Select "Save RAM Image..." from the "File" menu. Enter a name and
- viola! RAM image is saved.
- To load a RAM image you can either:
- a. Select "Load RAM Image..." from the "File" menu. Select the file
- and the processor will be restored to the saved state.
- b. Double-click on a RAM image icon (It looks like an IC)
- Note that the processor must be running in order to make the program go
- after loading it.
- --
- Preferences
- The preferences dialog, accessible from the "File" menu allows you to
- change the way the Commodore 64 is emulated. You can switch between a
- color(slow) and b/w(fast) version of the VIC, choose between three
- different processor emulations, and other neato stuff.
- Video:
- Byte Align Window:
- This toggles between making the window appear on an 8-bit boundary.
- On machines set up to run with a monitor depth of 1 pixel (b/w) you
- can get a significant speed increase by doing this. When you have
- the monitor set up to display in color, this option will NOT speed
- up the display. Useful on "aquarium" Macs.
- B/W or Color:
- Chooses the type of video output from the Commodore you want. The
- color version only runs on machines with color Quickdraw (but will NOT
- crash your machine if you don't). B/W is relatively fast and more
- debugged than the color version. The color version is exceedingly slow
- on almost any machine, but supports hi-res, color, sprites, etc.
- Double Size:
- Doubles the size of the video display. If you have a 640x480 monitor
- you can display the double-sized color or BW window so you don't get
- eyestrain. Note that this is MUCH slower than non-double size.
- Processor:
- Skip RAM Test:
- Patches the KERNEL ROMs in memory to make the Commodore 64 skip the
- memory test. It's 100% compatible with any piece of software that will
- run on the emulator. Also makes the reset MUCH faster.
- 68k or C or Integrated C:
- Allows you to choose between different emulations for the 6510, the
- microprocessor at the heart of the Commodore 64. I recommend using
- the "Integrated C" on *ALL* platforms, since it is much faster and
- includes undocumented opcodes. The 68k is just slightly slower than
- the Integrated C, and the plain old C is about 25% slower.
- Note that on the PPC version 68k=Integrated C.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *****
- Getting in touch with me about this emulator:
- Send all email questions, comments, suggestions to:
- st916w9r@dunx1.ocs.drexel.edu
- FIRST MESSAGE. I'd also like to hear where you got the emulator from
- (AOL, internet, BBS, etc.)
- *****
- Getting the latest version:
- I will be storing the latset revisions on _the premier_ Commodore archive:
- watson.mbb.sfu.ca
- Access it via anonymous FTP, go to the "emulator" directory. The latest
- version will always be called:
- MAC64-xx.HQX
- *****
- XXXXXX won't run:
- Yup. You're probably right. The emulator right now is built for speed and
- ease-of-comprehension. Either wait for a later version, or reprogram what you
- have...
- *****
- Are there any other Commodore emulators:
- By far the best Commodore 64 emulator available for the IBM PC is:
- C64S09x.ZIP
- You can get it off of the "watson..." site mentioned above. Also get
- the following file: ROMCODE.C64
- For the Macintosh, you're running the only emulator available, so it's the
- best!!!
- If you've got X11 and some time on your hands you can get X64, a really
- good emulator under UNIX & X11:
- x64-0.2.x.tar.gz
- In fact, I'm using some code from X64 in my current emulator!
- *****
- Q. What's a "xxx.D64" or "xxx.T64" file?
- A. A *.D64 file is a binary image of a 1541 floppy disk. To use it with the
- emulator, use "Attach Floppy Image" from the Devices menu. Just use the
- regular "LOAD "xxxxx",8" commands in C64 BASIC to load any of the programs
- on the disk. Enter "RUN <enter>" to make the program RUN after LOADing it.
- A *.T64 file is just a hacked copy of a C64 file. In theory it supports
- storing multiple programs per image, but as of now 99.9% of the images are
- only holding one file. To load a T64 file, select "Load Tape Image" from
- the Devices menu. Then type "RUN" to make the program go.
- *****
- Q. How can I get 1541 disks from my Commodore to my Mac?
- A1. You can't. Use a PC with "disk64e" or "x1541" to transfer the files to a
- IBM format floppy, the use PC Exchange to copy the files from the IBM
- disk to your Mac.
- A2. Use a RS232 converter from your C64's user port and a Null-Modem cable
- between the converter and the Mac. *DO NOT CONNECT YOUR C64 TO YOUR MAC/PC
- *****
- Q. I want to do some work with your code. What should I do if I want my
- changes to be inclued in one of your later C64 releases?
- A. I'm very open to changes/additions to my program. In fact, almost 30% of
- the code is now from others. If you've done some work send me some mail
- at Drexel, and *comment* any changes you make. It'll make my work much
- easier! And, of course, you've got to allow distribution of your changes
- unde the GNU GPL.
- *****
- Q. Is there a joystick?
- A. No. Not yet. Right now I've got to get the games to work...
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- If you've got the talent and the time, go through the source code. Find
- and eradicate any bugs you find. Add any features you think should be
- added. And send all of your changes to me at my email address.
- I'm more than happy to assist in any work you're doing on the emulator,
- just don't start asking me to do your CompSci homework!
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Well, Commodore International is dead. A moment of silence while the
- credits roll, please:
- 68000 6510 Simulator: George T. Talbot <ugtalbot@mcs.drexel.edu>
- Color VIC Display: Eric M. Stadtherr <emstadth@iastate.edu>
- MetroWerks, PPC: Johnathon L. Suker <jlsuker@ucis.edu>
- Major Testing: Georg Schwarz <georg@marie.physik.tu-berlin.de>
- Optimization, PPC: Peter Creath <peterc@gnu.ai.mit.edu>
- Tape Image Format: Werner Zsolt <mttto22@ursus.bke.hu>
- (If I've forgotten you, drop me a line and I'll correct my oversight)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- "Commodore 64 Emulator...
- It's not much, but it's the *only* Commodore 64 you can run on your Mac!"
- Any user suggestions, bug-fixes, updates please email me at Drexel Univ.
- (st916w9r@dunx1.ocs.drexel.edu). A 1.0 release doesn't seem to be too far
- away, as most things are already implemented! [Yeah, right...hahahaha]
- You can also get in contact with me on ISCA BBS [telnet whip.isca.uiowa.edu]
- under the handle (suprise) "Earle." I frequent the "Antique Computers" forum.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- (C) 1993-4 Earle F. Philhower III (st916w9r@dunx1.ocs.drexel.edu)